Duck Calls Image Gallery

Frank Harbeson, Slidell LA

Sam Reppond, Dean LA

Sam Reppond, Dean LA

Sam Repond with cowhorn collar, Dean LA

Sam Repond call comparison

Ben Roberson, Marion LA

Ben Roberson, Marion LA

E.T. May, Belle Chasse LA

Early cane call
Noah Granger, Big Lake LA

Noah Granger, Big Lake LA

Noah Granger, early cane call and standard mahogany call

E. A. Faifer, Abbeville, LA

E.A. Faifer, Abbeville, LA and with early octagonal calls from AL or AR

Raleigh Newman, Big Lake, LA,
Marsh calls

Mela Farque, Big Lake, LA

Big Lake Calls
Granger, Farque and Faulk

Big Lake Calls
Faulk, Farque and Faulk

Patin Faulk, Big Lake, LA
Cherry and cane calls


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